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Welcome to ASEN4E®Lighting Fitness

Along this journey you shall re-shape your destiny by internally fixing the errors of your system, thus reshaping the problem areas physically. With ASEN4E® The components of this program are Health & Wellness, Strength Conditioning,  Oxygen Training, Plyometrics, Cardio, Yoga, and Free Range Exercising! We are excited to unveil to you our latest discovery...What's missing from your DNA. 

  For years scientist have speculated and theorized but never given a definitive on any key elements that is missing from completing our DNA.  We heard said 'Fabled Tales' of Super Humans, with seemigly eternal youth, without disease or infirmity, living to be 'Seemingly' unattainable ages beyond 500 years old. Your revitalization begins here...Again Welcome!




There's a mystical light that lives within you. Pasted from generation to generation your body is a place of reincarnation. Mastery of the soul is what we all subconsciously seek to obtain. But just who are we is the question that drives us insane.

  We now have a familiar thing called G.P.S. [ Global Positioning System ] which takes us from Point A to Point B but what happens when we don't have guidance on our personal lives? We become stressed, fatigued, in bouts of depression, anxiety filled, and weakened to the point of 'Lost of Self'. ASEN4E®Body of Mer is your direct connection to Spiritual Advisement, Knowledge, Healing, and Divinity. This guidance comes to you FREE of charge as it is a gift from The Universe. Past, Present, Future become one, The Goddess reveals to you, "The You Within You" 

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Success! Welcome To The Light.

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